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f e a t u r e d
- "We See It, Too" Wallflower Zine
- The Wallflower Issue 9 / The Denim Issue
- Fashion Scoop Daily
- The Wallflower Zine; Issue 8.
- GLASSbook Magazine Online Editorial
- Elléments Magazine Mar. '14 Beauty Issue
- STYLE-OLOGY Magazine: Diversity Issue 3
- RAW Natural Born Artists: Encompass
- "Webbed" - BFA Portfolio Exhibition
- ATLAS Magazine
- THRWD Mag - BLKLN Menswear
- La Mode Dallas
- DFW Style Daily
- Featured Artist: Talenthouse
- Midlothian NOW Magazine-July 2012
- Toni & Guy 17th Annual Photo Awards 2012
- THRWD Magazine
- BLEEP Mag; Feb. 2013